Search results for: Collaborative Communities

New York, NY USA
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The American Educational Research Association (AERA), a national research society, strives to advance knowledge about education, to encourage scholarly inquiry related to education, and to promote the use of research to improve education and serve th...
Assessment, Beginning Teachers, Career and Technology Studies, Coaching, Collaborative Communities, Competencies, Creativity, Curriculum Development, Differentiated Education, Division I, Division II, Division III, Division IV, Early Learning, Educational Leadership, Elementary, English as a Second Language, Inclusive Education, Inquiry, I
0 total reviews
The main goal of the Hawaii International Conference on Education is to provide an opportunity for academicians and professionals from various education related fields from all over the world to come together and learn from each other. An additional ...
Collaborative Communities, Differentiated Education, Division I, Division II, Division III, Division IV
0 total reviews
We’re a place for the curious. Whether you’re a young family, in your tweens and building new ideas, or an adult who is compelled to find the ‘why’ behind the science, TELUS Spark is for you. TELUS Spark is Calgary's Science Centre. Facilitat...
Collaborative Communities, Division I, Division II, Division III, Division IV, Science, Technology & Innovation
0 total reviews
Want to learn some new and innovative classroom strategies? Are you looking for some strategies that are on the cutting edge and research based? Does your passion for teaching need to be reignited? You will be learning from top educators all while ha...
Collaborative Communities, Division I, Division II, Division III, Division IV